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Kamis, 20 September 2012

Artikel Wushu versi english

1.1 Definitions Wushu
Wushu is a martial arts and martial arts using kicks, punches, throws, grappling and determine the function of all parts of the body in practice, to move the latent potential of the human body, as well as skills in using traditional weapons. Wushu is a popular sport in China.
According to mandarin dictionary of modern Wushu consists of two characters, namely Wu '武 "meaning military or war, and Shu" 术 "meaning art or art, Wushu means the art of fighting or martial art (martial art). Many of the couple's increasingly rare style seen in modern Wushu competition. "Wushu" also means "Flowering Hand" in colloquial language of ancient China. Wushu or often also called Gongfu is a Martial Art that comes from ancient China. Spread all over the world through the Chinese (华人) that go wander.

1.2 Origins of Wushu
The myth of who the creator of Wushu in various libraries are not found, but that knowledge is created and developed in line with the evolution of humans has been suggested by some authors. Developed centuries by the Chinese public as an attempt to sustain life. Development starting from a primitive society. In those forms of Wushu totally beautiful and arises from the need to defend themselves from wild animals and in search of food. In the old days where people still live side by side with the animals, the state of the human body is very weak compared to lions, tigers, wolves, etc., which are equipped with fangs and nails are sharp and strong, buffalo and bison that have strong and sharp horns, bear the blessed exceptional power, while people do not have all the advantages of it. However, although the human physical weaker than the animals, man is endowed privilege that no reasonable form of animals. With human minds capable of thinking and trying to keep it to survive and not to fall prey extinct beasts.
From the results of human thoughts began to implement within the system, they use stones to thrown in the direction of his opponent in a fight over long distances. Expertise is the basis of the use of secret weapon is thrown, as we often see in movies and ninja martial arts. Then people began to imitate the movements of animals during a fight, watch cranes against a snake. From the way heron attack and parry attacks using the wings, and then create the human crane stance. Humans also modeled ape movements struggling for his life and, given the ape has many similarities to humans in terms of posture and anatomy, human being learning to climb a tree, jumped and dodged the attack evade opponents. Humans learn to move like a monkey with a deft and knowing which powered attacks from opponents who should be circumvented, not deflected. Of these movements created monkey tricks.
Then people started to think to use the facilities of nature, such as using a wooden stick with a sharp rock on the end as a weapon, which is now often we see in movies and everyday life as a spear. With weapons, human position becomes stronger, more enriched experience of fighting men by further observations of the way the human animal in the armed deflect attacks. From there people started to realize that violence can be defeated by enervation because it turns out the animal-hewanpun often use enervation if the strength of the opponent was bigger. Observations are inspiring people to use enervation in breaking force.
Humans constantly use their minds without stopping, made a variety of tools to defend themselves from close range when facing battle, as well as a variety of tools to facilitate in obtaining food. The creation of a knife, a crowbar, and so on are all made of stone because at that time unknown metal. Fighting had become their daily work with the marriage, personal life turned into family life. Family formation raises a new issue which is not uncommon amongst humans fight to get food from the same source. Besides still have to face the beast attacks, people also began feuding with each other, fights between people is much more complicated than their battle with the beasts. This phenomenon has resulted in the discovery and development of more and more weapons, such as mace timber, wooden pegs, long spears, stone knives, stone axes, hammer stones, bone arrows, etc..
Family life makes men live in groups, with the increasing population, they form clumps or tribe. Then formed villages and chooses the strongest leader. Martial skills to be one of the requirements for manghantarkan someone to the highest position in the village, they began to be motivated to practice Wushu. Wushu quality increases gradually and many new movements developed. With the progress of time, the amount of interest was growing and tribal leader made himself small kings. Feeling strong, they colonize other areas so that war arises everywhere. Wushu be one important provision in winning the war.

1.3 Development of Wushu In the Period Dynasty-Dynasty
1. Shang Dynasty (商 潮), created many war equipment such as knives, axes, spears, spear-shaped combination of knives, daggers and axes (ancient weapons), a spear with a crescent blade, etc.. At this time there Wushu matches, in addition also the community has been able to use the tools of war in order to enhance the ability of the technique of war.
2. Semi War Autumn Dynasty (春秋 朝), appears armaments made of iron, the more types peralatannyapun. It is often held competitions for the development of martial arts (Wushu). Qin Dynasty (秦朝), for the race is no jury, arena race, and special clothing. In 1975 in the forest cemetery Phoenix, Hu Bei province found Mu Bi (木 蓖) in which there is a painting depicting the state of the game Wushu. In front of the stage there is a blackout, there were three people on stage shirtless and wearing only lace-waist shorts, they wear shoes shaped pointy at the ends. Depicted two men were playing and one a jury.
3. Han Dynasty (汉朝), there is already a war dance, sword dance, attack strategy, the formation of the war, and many schools begin to appear. North South dynasty, during the war is everywhere, war erupts frequently. Officials and nobles have always wanted to find a way to live forever "长生不老", rakyatpun started following this lifestyle as a cause of Wushu in this day seen as black magic and lead Wushu undeveloped.
4. Tang Dynasty (唐朝), this period was a time of prosperity in the history of China, causing Wushu evolved. Began convening a national Wushu competition, began the standard Wushu skills. These contests to encourage people to harder wants a shot.
5. Song Dynasty (宋朝), the people have started popping Wushu organizations; Group Championships (英 略 社), Group Jin Biao (锦标 社), Group Yong Di (甬 抵 社), etc.. At this time also started many Wushu performances on the streets, while the wushu as self-defense does not develop due to obstruction of governmental Song of the day.
6. Yuan Dynasty (元朝), At this time the government forbids people to have a weapon, if found there are people who have a weapon, it will be considered a rebel and no sanctions would be given, those who studied Wushu will have lost their lives. This leads Wushu can only be learned and passed quietly.
7. Ming Dynasty (明朝), At this time began to experience growth in terms of the emergence of different streams, such as Quanshu (boxing), crockery. Appears famous books like "纪 效 新书", "武 篇", "耕 余剩 技", these works record diverse Wushu skills, tools, name of the movement, the movement methods, and technical theories. Some also add pictures of movement solutions. Studying Wushu to provide an important basis for the next generation.
8. Qing Dynasty (清朝), At this time the government banned the practice of martial but the people held a secret society to learn Wushu. Wushu famous in this age is Taiji quan (太极拳), Bagua zhang (八卦 掌), Xingyi quan (形意拳), Baji quan (八 集 拳), Pigua quan (披挂 拳).

1.4 Development of Modern Wushu
In the era of Sun Guo (before the communist era) martial art also called Guoshu, but the pioneers of communism re-use the term Wushu (although in some regions, such as Taiwan, Guoshu term still used). If there is a golden era of Wushu occurred during the Ming and Qing dynasties witnessed the development of Chinese martial arts. This era experienced the perfection of form in a combination of songs and skills. During this period revival Wushu, Wushu famous Three flow to surface, namely the flow of thirty-two Long Form Boxing (Chang Quan Form), six flows Attitudes Shape Boxing (Boxing Style Stance Form), and Kick-Ass Monkey (Hou Quan Form ). Ming Dynasty also witnessed internal divisions and external flows, moments where streams known as Taiji, Bagua zhang and Xing Yi discovered and perfected.
In 1909 the Association of Mu Jin exercise in Shang Hai in shape and include training in the gym as part of their curriculum. It affects the formation of some other sports union that includes training in the gymnasium as part of their curriculum. In 1927 the government established Nanjing Jung Yung (School Wushu government). Twenty-four provinces follow this idea and soon formed nearly three hundred schools.
In 1936 the Chinese martial arts went to Berlin in order to demonstrate the eleventh Olympiad. In 1983, only a bout of physical contact and encouragement Taiji hand the division in these games. Currently, China has come to western countries and begin to form a strong relationship with the people in western countries to provide a better understanding of the Chinese culture to the west.
In 1953, the race was held the first national Wushu. Since it began often held national and international Wushu competition Created in the PRC after 1949, in an effort or attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts.
In 1958, the government established the China Wushu Association as an umbrella organization to regulate martial arts training. Commission on the development of physical and sport China took the lead in making the standards for most of the flow of martial arts. During this period, a national Wushu system that contains standardized stance, teaching curriculum, and determining the level of teachers was formed. Wushu was introduced at the high school and university. In 1958 the people of China do compete carelessness in Wushu and developing existing streams to be almost the same appearance. Southern Flow, Taiji Quan and Chang Quan became standardized flow of the other.
In 1979, the Commission on the development of physical and sports formed a special group to evaluate the system of teaching and training in Wushu. In 1986, China Research Institute of Wushu was established as the central authority for the research and administration of Wushu activities in the Republic of China.
International Wushu Competition was first held in 1985 at the An Shi. In the same year Wushu Federation has found, and create a branch in the world. In 1991 the world's first wushu competition held in Beijing and marked the beginning of Wushu world championships which is held every two years. World Wushu Championships was first held in 1991 in Beijing and won by Clark Zhang. Second world championships held in Malaysia and third in the United States.
In 1998 the government's change in policy and attitude about exercise leads to the dissolution of the sports division in the governance structure. Dissolution is defined as a measure to avoid political influence in the sport in China and directing sports in China to an approach that can adapt to market conditions. As a result of changes in social factors, the Chinese government re-promote the two forms of martial arts is Wushu Wushu modern and traditional. Today Wushu has become an international sport through the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), which is also held every two years World Wushu Championships. Now Wushu was introduced to the world

1.5 History of Wushu In Indonesia
Along with the migration of some of the population respectively southeastern coastal China to Indonesia, Wushu martial arts and traditional Chinese Gongfu also spread the word Nusantara.Sebagaimana scientist famous Wushu martial arts history, Tang Hao, the techniques and moves Chinese martial arts has been spread to Japan, Korea, and countries in Southeast Asia as far back as the Han Dynasty. Qigong and Waidangong Fu Xi created by one of the characters who is honored as the forerunner of Qigong, it is very popular in Southeast Asia.
Nation Media Synergy Indonesia November 1998 issue in an article of Chinese origin Silat in Java with detailed silat teacher had introduced the Chinese in Java and his disciples in the period between 1914-1925. They classified the flow of Shaolin Fujian, Shandong Shaolin and Shaolin Guang Dong. This description proves that Chinese martial arts are popular in Java in the first and second decades of the twentieth century.
According to Reuters, published 22 and February 23, 1986, martial arts schools in various regions of Indonesia Indonesian Silat registered in Unity, there were eight hundred and twenty. The article said that Indonesia affected by the martial arts of China, Japan, India, Thailand, and thrive in the conditions in Indonesia. Among the martial arts of China have the most impact. Taiji, Qigong, and Waidangong, in addition to cure diseases and keep in shape, it can also be used as self defense.
Many Chinese man who moved to Indonesia in the past and make the arts as an important way to maintain fitness and martial arts, among others; Soe Beng Kong (? -1644) Batavia first lieutenant from the province of Fujian is a martial arts practitioner, Kwee An Say Chinese community leaders who came from Fujian province Hai Cheng famous in Semarang as "Teacher An Say" and had been appointed as Kapitan Semarang and leads the rebellion against the Dutch in Batavia Sino, Souw Pan Jiang about the 50's in the 18th century residing near the rock cave there even Semarang Indonesia newspaper as saying that he is a keeper Sam Po Kong's Cave where each night he taught his friends to practice martial arts in order to maintain the safety of the goods and the soul itself from pirates.
On the rebellion in Karta Sura He suffered persecution and oppression of the enemy army and chose to die by plunging into the river Semongan near Semarang, which commemorates local martial arts teacher by calling the river Yangtze River and the village that was inhabited by a village Souw Jiang Pan extension of until now. Huo Yuanjia, martial arts teacher who had made valuable contributions to the Indonesian people's struggle against Japan in the 1940's, which is the Dongge Huo Huo Yanjia second son, when it served the Chairman of the Joint Association of Chinese Bandung, Indonesia established Chinese community organizing Sports Silat Association to study Chinese martial arts. Grandson of his eldest son Yanjia Huo Huo Dongzhang, Huo Shousong Sports Silat Association chairman is. Huo Huo Shousong Dongge and go hand-in-hand against Japanese imperialism to unite the ranks of the Red Cross rescuers Indonesia. Tan Xiong, Chinese martial arts teacher on the island of Bali, he was known by local people as a martial arts teacher, drug dealer, astrologer and Feng Shui master.
At the very twilight age, he still seemed excited and still can tell the history of the arrival of the Chinese who later settled in Bali and the ins and outs of visits Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho). His grandfather named Tan Hongsan, derived from the Chinese island of Hainan, and then moved to Bali and had been a military advisor King Denpasar.
In fact Wushu Indonesia has long been known as Gongfu, but then on the date of 10 November 1992 KONI center formalized the establishment of Board of Wushu Indonesia (PBWI) which is a container for all universities in Indonesia Gongfu. Wushu Sports in Indonesia in the 1980s. However, the newly formed organization of Wushu Indonesia I GK Manila SEA Games in 1992 ahead of the XVIII Singapore. Originally PBWI only develop Wushu from China, such as Chang Quan, Taiji quan, and Daoshu.
Traditional Wushu has developed in Indonesia since the Dutch by the Indonesian national Wushu coach known as Lo Ban Teng, Lauw Djing Tie, Ji Xiao Fu and Ho Goan Ka. Liem Joe Kiong, an Indonesian scholar who has lectured High School Sports Bandung, in the year 1950-1960's tried to construct systematic Gongfu / Kun Tao / Traditional Wushu to become a public sport and can be learned by anyone.
And then China, as the country of origin Wushu, Wushu has not been published as an international standard sports (PRC popularize this sport to the international world circa 1970's). It is an achievement to be proud of. After that era, the development of traditional Wushu in Indonesia is not much heard. Traditional Wushu spread through universities, private lessons and tutoring-books.

1.6 Flow-Flow Wushu China
1. Shaolin Wushu 少林 武术: Shaolin Wu Quan, Luohan Quan, Pao Quan
2. Wudang Wushu 武当 武术: Wudang Quan, T'ai Wuxing Quan
3. Taiji quan 太极拳: Chen Shi Taiji quan, Yang Shi Taiji quan, Sun Shi Taiji
4. E 'May Wushu 峨嵋 武术
5. Nan Quan 南拳: Wudaming Guandong Quan, Jilifei quan quan Cailifo
6. Tongbei quan 通 背 拳: Wuxing Tongbei quan, quan Tongbei Qijia
7. Xiangyi Quan 形意拳: Song Shi Xingyi quan, Shi Shang Xingyi quan
8. Bagua zhang 八卦 掌: Cheng Shi Bagua zhang, Yin Shi Bagua zhang
9. Chang quan 长拳: Cha quan, Hua quan, Meihua quan
10. Xiangxing quan 象形 拳: Tanglang quan, Hou quan, quan Yingzhua
11. Xinyi quan 心意拳: Henan Xinyi quan Pai, Pai Shanghai Xingyi quan
12. Ershi quan 二十 四 拳
13. Baji quan 八极拳
14. Men Lanshou 拦 手 门
15. Chuojiao 戳 脚

1.7 Types of Wushu in Indonesia
In Jingsai Taolu (Wushu International, which is standardized for sports International) is a combination of various forms of Wushu, Wushu is divided in two sub-branches Taolu.
1. Taolu. This particular play moves and beauty, most similar to the gymnastics floor exercise. In a few moments Taolu subdivided, in broad outline:
a. Chang Quan (Wushu moves north, the horses are long-distance attacks, many engineering leaps, and kicks)
b. Nan Quan (southern stance, the horses are short and sturdy, strong arm tactics hands many games like animals, and leaps and kicks a lot of technique in it).
c. Taiji weapons and moves, but for the kind of traditional wushu is not always pegged north and south, sometimes there are also moves north but do not contain a lot of kicks and jump technique, and vice versa similar to gymnastics and includes patterns and martial arts movement, which where for all competitors assessed and awarded points based on certain rules. The form consists of basic movements (attitude, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, and throws sweep) based on a number of style categories of traditional Chinese martial arts and can be changed for competitions to highlight one's strengths. Forms of the game has a time limit of one minute within twenty seconds for some external force, and more than five minutes for internal styles. Modern wushu competitors increased in aerial techniques (tehknik-jump technique) like five hundred forty and seven hundred and twenty degrees jumps and kicks to add a level of difficulty and style in shape.
2. Sanshou is a special fighter, no game tactics and benchmark stance, just take the core fighting of Wushu and similar to kickboxing

1.8 Characteristic of Wushu Training
Wushu sport derived from traditional Chinese have 6 characters, generally six characteristics:
1. Blend of violence and tenderness
Wushu martial arts emphasize the benefits of integrating elements of violence and tenderness. All flow Wushu underline the meaning of "violence comes from within, out of control gentleness", "softness appears on the outside, save in violence", "softness in containing violence, violence in the softness raise", "alloy hardness with softness make mental stability" method and so forth.
2. Integrating the inner and outer events
Mental activity is in the thoughts and desires; birth is all the movement that looks beyond, such as hands, eyes, feet, figure and so on. Perfection must be combined with the outward movement of the inner nature; patterns of thought and willingness heart. Precise movement rooted in clear thinking and strong will. Therefore, the Wushu training needs full concentration, free from disturbance of mind mixed. Then proceed with the harmonization efforts of awareness with the desire, the desire to set the energy in and energy in the labor force. Only those who are able to achieve inner and outer conditions of a fusion element that will better appreciate the existence of Wushu once reached a higher modeling techniques.
3. Awaken Qi and breath control
Qi is the circulation of bioenergy in the body, a kind of power psychophysiology closely related circulatory and respiratory. Wushu Training prioritize respiratory activity of qi and retrieval. In Taiji quan (太极 拳), for example, require that "Qi precipitate in (location) navel", "guide the flow of qi by pamusatan mind". Shaolin Quan (少林 拳) also believes "qi sprayed from the navel", at times moving "moving limbs and controlled by qi and respiration". Even though all of the flow of Wushu gives priority to harness qi and breathing exercises.
4. Personnel concerned with the
Wushu Demonstration stance should be accompanied by "power within", ie the moving body and legs to form a variety of hand-posture position, his muscles always adequate voltage, in addition to its motion should look neat and a draw, the muscles must also be in a state of tension sufficient and no slack, the whole movement looks strong, solid and dynamic.
5. Continuity round
Wushu Demonstration stance greatly accentuate the smooth uninterrupted mengalirnyagerakan stance. The definition of smooth and uninterrupted not always have to be constant in speed as Taiji quan (太极拳), but more focused in times of change movement, though the movement stops for a moment, can still look style "form of motion is lost, the movement continued motivation", "stalled potential, current flowing qi". Through mental strength, sharpness of eye contact between the string-potential movement back round and still ongoing.
6. Careful and accurate in fighting techniques
Kick, hit, slam, and catch are four basic fighting techniques Wushu. All empty-handed tactics used four basic movements in serial stringing offensive or defensive (no weapon stance puncture technique, sectioned, and so on). The four basic techniques and rules of the game have their own character. Rules kick, for example details of the technique consists of jejakan tungkak, jejakan hand-slap foot center, tendan-snap (toes), foot tongs, tendanga-broom, cave (from top to bottom), liao (from bottom up), bai (swing). Rules at the other consists chong (straight), pi (split,) tiao (full-blooded and above), za (hammering). Applications on the details of techniques or rules that must be in accordance with applicable regulations, such as engineering and chan jejakan foot range (scope), all shaped resilient-span. But the technique of trace-dengtui determine toes should be up, slap foot center forward, power concentration at the site tungkak. The provisions of the technique is trace-chuaitui toes to the side, the center of slap foot forward, power concentration at the location of the center leg, kick-chan Terms techniques, fingertips to the side, the center of the foot to slap down, power concentrated in the outer soles of the feet . Similarly, details of techniques and applications of kicks, punches, dings and arrests, everything is strictly determined, should not be obscured.

1.9 Benefits of Wushu
a) Increase physical strength
These movements include sports Wushu-Taolu Resilience-range, circular, balance, jump, somersault, fall-rolling, and so on. Sanshou Wushu sport-fighting muscles, fighting techniques, agile fighting, and fighting courage; appropriate means of forging a spirit of struggle. All movements of the muscles involved in almost all over his body, thus requiring very careful coordination, between the motor centers that control the movement of muscles, as well as coordination between the motor centers with autonomic centers. Exercise regularly and rutinolahraga Wushu enhance cooperation alignment nervous systems above. Taiji quan typical example, because it emphasizes serial movements to be guided by the concentration of the mind so that it can function effectively strengthen the detention process neural useful as physical exercise therapy for the treatment of various types of disease-chronic recalcitrant. Research shows persistence Wushu training can improve the function of the cardiovascular system capabilities aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, respiratory system and also develop vitalcapacity. By the way the human physical condition such as muscle strength, agility, speed of action, and the flexibility of the body for the better.
b) Functions martial
Both Wushu-Taolu and Sanshou Wushu-, technical details they all consist of defense and attack movements. Therefore, in addition to improving physical training Wushu athletes can also learn the techniques of martial arts, master of finesse attack and shelter, the situation threatened to react faster and managed to escape.
c) Establish the nature of human being
During the thousands of years of development, Wushu always uphold the code of ethics and moral-professional, lay ethics education and moral discipline on the above technical skills. Balked at those who no longer polite immoral Wushu training. Wushu only be controlled by those who are useful and independent, joined to promote the welfare of society and social justice.
d) Appreciation and attractions
Sports Wushu has aesthetic value and artistic appreciation attractions are quite high, both in terms of posture, style, skill, expression of inner strength and physical agility demonstration of Wushu-Taolu, and war fighting courage and resilience in the party-Sanshou Wushu. Wushu is an interesting attraction to follow as well as uncomfortable to watch; positively enrich the cultural life style, closer relationships and cooperation with each other.

1:10 Wushu Leading Players
1. Jet Li (李连杰) - Possible Wushu is the most famous athlete in the world.
2. Bruce Lee (the third leg) - Bruce Lee was a major fighter in the modern period.
3. Wu Jing (吴京) - Chinese actor who has been sent to the Beijing Sports Institute at the Shi Cha Hai, Beijing when he was 6 years old.
4. Ray Park - showing keterampillannya in Wushu in several major films.
5. Voice actor Yuri Lowenthal is jg Wushu players.
6. Sherina - besides ballet artist who also wrestle Wushu since last year.
7. Surya Saputra - Former artist Dewi Sandra's husband really liked the various martial arts since childhood.
8. Chris John - By the age of 17, began to be fostered by well-known boxing trainer
Indonesia who live in Semarang, Sutan Rambing.
9. Widi Mulia - AB Three personnel, who are also sports fans Wushu

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